Peachland News dedicated to Peachland, British Columbia, Canada
Crica 2010
From 2010- 2012 this was the Peachland News website.
Content is from the site's 2010 archived pages offering a brief glance of the news offered to people living in the Peachland BC area.
The current website for Peachland is found at:
A NEWS WEBSITE FROM PEACHLAND, BC is the number one online news source dedicated to Peachland, British Columbia, Canada.
The website offers local news, breaking news, community events, web polls, opinions, letters to the editor, listing of community groups, weather and other information.
This website originally launched in September 2009 as as a hobby and a way to learn about blogging. In March 2010, word began to circulate in Peachland, and beyond, about the blog. Our visitor count started increasing by 25 per cent per month or more.
Work began on in early October 2010 and it was unveiled to the public on November 17, 2010.
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As a data developer, I had a fantastic experience working on the backend of in 2010. The site serves as a vital community news source for Peachland, BC, and I was excited to help build something that would keep locals informed and connected. My first day was eye-opening when I discovered they were using FileMaker Pro for their data management. While I'd read about compatibility issues with FileMaker, I'd never personally encountered them until I tried integrating our systems with newer web applications. The database conflicts were causing some real headaches, particularly when trying to handle the community events calendar and user comment systems. I brought this up with management and requested budget for a FileMaker replacement, but like many small local news operations, funds were tight. This didn't discourage me though - I did some digging online and found several creative workarounds that helped minimize conflicts between FileMaker and our more modern components. These solutions weren't perfect, but they kept things running smoothly enough for our needs. What I really loved about this project was how it brought the community together. Watching residents engage with local news, submit event listings, and participate in discussions about everything from the Centennial Way development to the Primary School bat colony was incredibly rewarding. Dave Preston and the team put their hearts into making this site a true community hub. While I hope they'll eventually be able to upgrade their data management system, I'm proud of what we accomplished with the resources we had. The site successfully served its purpose of keeping Peachland residents informed and connected, which was our primary goal. Looking back, it was a great example of how smaller news organizations can effectively serve their communities even with limited technical resources. [Mo Rulistch]
Welcome to
by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 17, 2010
Welcome to!
A year in the making, was launched today, November 17, 2010. It was due to be launched November 18, but we jumped the gun and got this site live a few hours early. This site comes as a result of the highly successful blog, That blog was operated for one year to substantial accolades and the decision was made to set up a new domain and launch this website.
If this is your first time to either site (blogspot or, welcome. You’ll find lots of news about Peachland, British Columbia and surrounding area.
If you’re a blogspot regular and this is your first visit to, we really hope you love it. This website is drastically different than the old blogspot site.
Over the coming days and weeks, I’ll post some tips about this new website and what you can do on it and what is coming up in the future (yes, there will be more). In the mean time, the best way to get used to this site is to click away. Go ahead and explore!
One thing you should know is that the comment feature is a little different than that found on blogspot, but even the one you see on this site right now will be changing shortly. We wanted to have the proper comment feature set up from the get go, but we couldn’t do it until the site went live.
For future updates about, click on Website at the top of the page, then Site News. You’ll see the latest stories about the site.
You can also participate in a poll and let us know what you think of the website.
Centennial Way grand opening »
Nov 22 2010
Peachland residents are invited to attend the grand opening celebration of Centennial Way, the extension of the scenic beachfront pathway on Beach Avenue. The official ribbon-cutting ceremony will be followed by an interpretive walk back to the Peachland Community Centre for refreshments, weather permitting. Join Mayor Keith Fielding, MP Stockwell Day and MLA Bill Barisoff as they help celebrate completion of this community gem. It all gets underway at 1 p.m., Friday, November 26 at Strachan’s Corner, between Eighth and 11th Streets on Beach Avenue.
Breakfast with Santa »
Nov 19 2010
Children will enjoy a breakfast prepared by St. Margaret’s Anglican Church as well as a magic show, crafts and a visit from a special guest! Children will also receive a small gift from Santa. Advance tickets only. $10 per person, $4.50 per photo.
Peachland Christmas Light Up »
Nov 19 2010
Join the community for the kickoff to the festive season, with entertainment, a Santa Parade, refreshments, a bonfire, bouncy castle, carnival games and much more.
Santa arrives at 6:10 p.m. The downtown Christmas lights will turn on at 6:15 p.m.
District releases Centennial Way facts »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 22, 2010
Concept drawing-Centennial Way (Contributed)
Just a few days before the official grand opening of Centennial Way, the District of Peachland has released a list of quick facts about the waterfront walkway extension.
The grand opening will be attended by MP Stockwell Day, MLA Bill Barisoff and Mayor Keith Fielding. The public is invited to attend the event, which starts at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 26. A ribbon cutting will be held near Strachan’s Corner (the curve in Beach Avenue between Eighth and 11th Streets. There will then be a guided tour along Centennial Way to the community centre, where refreshments will be served.
Here’s the district’s quick facts:
- 1.2 km extension offers a seamless pathway along our scenic stretch of Okanagan Lake
- 3 metre wide path provides smooth, continuous multi‐use pathway surface
- 1.5 to 2 metre green belt “bioswale”, also known as a “rain garden” consists of native, low water use plants and offers a pleasant and safe border and works to protect the lake from road runoff pollutants
- Bioswale also reduces costs to build storm water drainage systems and is a more environmentally‐sustainable system for protecting lake water quality
- Traffic calming and stencilled bike markings help guide all users sharing the road
- Improved access to the beach, including a new wheelchair‐accessible picnic table
- New sidewalks and newly paved Beach Avenue makes for easier and safer travel
- Energy‐efficient path lights, including new LED lit benches for safety – a first in Canada
- Safer pedestrian‐activated crosswalk lights with coloured and textured crossing surface
- New benches and waste and recycling containers made from recycled materials
- More opportunities for families to “gift” a bench in dedication of a loved one
- Sandbox and family area added at Strachan’s corner, between 8th and 11th Streets
- Approximately 80 percent of the materials from the demolition of the old road and sidewalks is being recycled and reused for this project and others in the future
- Funding for two‐thirds of the project generously provided by provincial and federal government
- One‐third funding provided by reserve funds from the development community.
Dave Preston
November 24, 2010 - 9:38 am
Allow me to set the record straight.
Any time there is an application made for a senior government grant, the cost of the announcement and completion signs and the cost of a grand opening are always factored in. It is part of the game and district staff are going to ‘play along’ in order to try and get the grant.
There is zero chance that Peachland could have secured the $3 million plus for the walkway if it had said in the application, “We aren’t spending any money on a grand opening.” It’s just not the way things are done.
As for the timing, 7 o’clock at night would have been silly; it would be pitch black out. Also, one does not have a grand opening of a project funded by the federal and provincial governments without having the representatives of the federal and provincial governments in attendance. Staff had to make sure that Stockwell Day and Bill Barisoff could attend the opening, which means they had to set up the event in concert with both politicians’ schedules.
Mayor Quimby
November 24, 2010 - 5:19 pm
I understand it is a photo-shoot opportunity, perhaps it should be billed as such. The schedules of political types are the most important ones and everyone else must adjust to comply. Not saying do it at 7PM, and I wouldn’t be there anyhow, I can tour a walkway without a guide, but sometimes the unwashed of the town should be thought of, after all it is we that end up paying for these things. As far as the complete sign, I’m sure that comment was in jest.
Mayor Quimby
November 24, 2010 - 8:05 am
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, but here goes. 1 PM on Friday for the grand opening……when us lowly folk will all be working, kids in school, ect, I guess it caters to the senior element in town. Council and staff should be reminded this community is made up of all ages, and if they want to represent all ages, think things like this through a little more. Guided tour?? I wonder if the town staff will be offering this in the summer months to bring in some revenue. Will the tour guide be pointing out each sign and explaining its purpose, what it means and why it is in its location and not a few feet to the left.If so, i will have to take some time off work to get an explanation.
IHA Concern with Primary bats ‘not likely’ »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 19, 2010
The Interior Health Authority won’t get involved in the debate over whether to keep up to 2,000 myotis bats in the attic of the Primary School. IHA has advised it won’t likely have a problem with the old school building’s bat colony remaining where it is.
On November 9, district council dealt with the bat issue twice and came up with two different decisions. At the morning Committee of the Whole meeting, a majority of council members voted to leave the bats where they are. That evening, second thoughts overtook and council voted to hold off on a decision pending more information from IHA.
“The licensing officer from (IHA) who deals with Peachland facilities confirmed that they only get involved with licensing buildings, when they will be used for childcare facilities that are offering formalized childcare for children under the age of 12,” wrote CAO Elsie Lemke in a report to council.
“Since it is not the plan to move the Boys and Girls Club preschool and out-of-school-care programs from the Elementary School to the Primary School, licensing the facility would not be required by IHA,” wrote Lemke.
Council has decided to house the Boys and Girls Club and the Visitor Information Centre in the building, once it is renovated.
“IHA advised they would not likely have any concerns with bats in the attic space that was sealed off from the rest of the building,” said Lemke.
The bat issue is on Tuesday’s regular council agenda.
District staff concerned with zipline report »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 19, 2010
A new zipline adventure park up Princeton Avenue earlier this month by the Province of B.C. but municipal staff are not convinced the proponent went far enough when it comes to environmental assessments.
Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole meeting agenda includes a report from the Planning and Development Services Department that details staff concerns with what it says is insufficient information.
Zipline Adventures Ltd. received a 10-year license of occupation for a 48-acre property near the intersection of Brenda Mine Road and the Headwaters Road to build and operate a seven-line zipline adventure area. Application was made through Front Counter BC, which asked for input from the District of Peachland.
In answer, the district said it did not support the venture until the proponent completed a formal planning study and reports concerning the impact of the project on Peachland.
“Our staff have reviewed the document and have found the document insufficient int erms of addressing the required issues,” states the staff report.
Issues noted by staff include:
- No analysis related to the impact of operations on the watershed;
- No indication that IHA requirements will be met;
- There was a reference made to thinning of vegetation for fire fuel load management but no reference made to completing a Wildfire Management Plan prepared by a qualified professional forester;
- The report was done by a qualified environmental professional.
There is no indication that the District of Peachland has any further influence on the project, which is set to open in 2011 outside of municipal boundaries.
New policy could raise $12M for amenities »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 19, 2010
Peachland council will be asked Tuesday to amend the Official Community Plan to allow for a new Amenity Contribution Policy that could see developers contribute $12 million over the next 20 years for community amenities.
The policy comes as a result of successful negotiations with Pincushion Ridge/Ponderosa developers Treegroup, which agreed to contribute $3.7 million over the life of its development. The Treegroup contribution is above and beyond development cost charges (DCCs) that are levied against developments.
DCCs are charged for such future improvements as roads, parks, sewer and a water treatment plant, but until negotiations were concluded with Treegroup, the municipality did not ask developers for contributions toward other amenities. In July, council asked staff to write up a formal policy that could be adopted. That policy will be before council Tuesday at its Committee of the Whole meeting.
To come up with an amount to charge under the policy, staff first had to come up with a list of possible future amenities that could be contrbuted to. The list includes:
- Community centre upgrade/renovations;
- Primary school rehabilitation;
- Multi-purpose arena;
- Continuing Centennial Way, the waterfront walkway, to Davis Cove;
- Future trail development;
- Museum improvements;
- New civic offices;
- A new fire hall.
Noticeably missing from the staff amenity list is any mention of a curling rink.
Staff is proposing that developments be charged $2,412.93 per residential unit and $3.33 per sq. ft. ($115.32 per sq. m.) for non-residential construction. In total over 20 years, the district would collect up to $15.5 million, minus $3.7 million already agreed to by Treegroup.
Inside a staff report on Tuesday’s agenda is a financial rationale for the proposed charges, which includes estimates for each item on the staff generated list of future amenities. The estimates include:
- $1.75 million for Community Center upgrades/renovations;
- $600,000 for Primary School rehabilitation;
- $6.6 million for a multi-purpose arena;
- $1.2 million for a waterfront walkway extension from 13th Street to Todd Road;
- $1.8 million to extend the walkway to Davis Cove;
- $1 million for trail development;
- $50,000 for upgrades to the museum;
- $3 million for a new fire hall;
- $2.5 million for new civic offices.
Staff based its calculations on estimated new construction to take place over the next 20 years. In total, staff estimates that 6,710 units will be built in Peachland, including:
- 2,310 units at Ponderosa/Pincushion Ridge;
- 2,700 units at New Monaco;
- 700 units in the Lower Princeton area;
- 800 units in a redeveloped downtown;
- 200 additional new unit applications.
Council gets $5k for Spirit Festival »

Contributed to Peachland News
November 19, 2010
The Peachland Community Arts Council will receive $5,000 to host a BC Spirit Festival next February to commemorate B.C.’s 2010 Olympic success. The funding is from the provincial government’s 2010 Sports and Arts Legacy Program.
“Peachland is a very vibrant community,” said Penticton MLA Bill Barisoff. “And I know February’s Spirit Festival is going to be a great success and a fun event to attend.”
BC Spirit Festivals will bring together artists, cultural organizations, creative industries and local citizens to celebrate the spirit of British Columbia. Featured activities will include visual arts exhibitions, public museum programs, publications, media arts, dance, music and theatre productions.
The Assembly of BC Arts Councils is administering the BC Spirit Festivals program. With help from a panel of judges representing B.C.’s arts and culture community, the assembly adjudicated applications from regional and Aboriginal arts organizations in communities across the province.
Funding for the BC Spirit Festivals comes from the $60-million 2010 Sport and Arts Legacy, established by the Province to help celebrate the pride and spirit shown by British Columbians during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games – and the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad. There are also some individual sponsors, most notably Gene Sheppard, who is donating sweepstakes prizes. This year the prizes include a wonderful collection of winter jackets by North Face. These remarkable winter jackets are known for their warmth and style and are guaranteed to be a sought after item - North Face is a well know brand in these parts. Gene assures us that there are enough sizes and styles to reward the 10 winners with a good fit. Flit Garage is also contributing a set of snow tires and a coupon for a tune up for annual silent auction during the antique automobile roundup.
Eagle’s View kitchen fire contained »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
November 18, 2010
Firefighters dealt with a small kitchen fire at the Eagle’s View condo complex on Ponderosa Drive Thursday afternoon.
The fire was small and contained to the kitchen of the ground floor unit, which suffered a fair amount of smoke damage, according to Fire Chief Grant Topham.
“We didn’t need to evacuate the building,” said Topham.
The fire was quickly brought under control and Topham said the unit where the fire occurred and the unit above it were ventilated with fans to clear out smoke.
Emergency Social Services was called in because of the amount of smoke damage to the unit.
RCMP: Get your head in winter driving game »

Nov 19 2010
Last night saw the first of possibly many snows this winter season in Kelowna. The RCMP responded to a number of reported collisions caused by the weather conditions but none of the crashes appeared to have been severe. To the RCMP, public safety is paramount and so police are offering some timely seasonal driving tips to ensure motorists are equipped to handle whatever winter blows at them.
- Get your head in the game: It’s winter and driving habits must change to suit the season. Be aware that the road surface beneath your vehicle can change at any time so take feedback cues from your vehicle as you turn, brake, accelerate, that will tell you if the road surface is changing, and drive according to the “feel” of the roadway. If it’s slippery, slow down.
- Ensure that you do not become distracted by cell phones, Ipods, or anything that would rob you of precious time to react. Give yourself time to react and room between you and the vehicle in front.
- Prepare your vehicle. Good winter or all season M+S tires, with a minimum of 3.5 mm of tread , are a must. Use winter rated windshield washer fluid so you don’t get surprised by a “frosted” windshield when you use your wipers for the first time in cold weather, and change your wipers if they are getting old. Have a brush/scraper in your car and scrape ALL your windows, and brush ALL the snow off your vehicle. No one likes to follow a snow storm on wheels, and scraping half your windshield and none of your windows just doesn’t cut it for visibility when you’re driving.
- Be extra cautions when approaching intersections. Statistics show that most injurious collisions happen at intersections. Start slowing down well before the intersection as intersection approaches can become icy due to repeated frictional stopping.
- Wear your seatbelt. A large number of traffic fatalities are due to persons not wearing their seatbelts.
- Don’t plan to be in a hurry. Plan to take more time. Urgency, due to perceived time constraints , can cause motorists to take risks in order to make up lost time. A collision will take away any time you might have gained and then some.
No one wants their winter season to be marred by tragedy so please be extra vigilant while driving this winter.
Source: Kelowna RCMP
Breathalyzer threshold going from .05 to .06 »

Nov 19 2010
Not long after introducing the toughest impaired driving laws in North America, B.C. is changing the rules to give drivers a wider margin of safety before being deemed impaired.
Under new rules brought into force in September, a driver found with a blood alcohol level of between .05 and .08 face a three day driving ban and a fine. Now B.C. is recalling several thousand handheld breathalyzers to be adjusted so they trigger a warning at .06, instead of .05.
Read the latest on this roadside prohibition change at CTV news.
How to: When to call Emergency Services »

Contributed to Peachland News
November 19, 2010
When should I call Emergency Services (police, fire or ambulance)?
Call only in the in case of emergencies where an immediate response is required.
What constitutes an emergency?
- When someone’s life is in danger, a life threatening situation where every second counts
- When a crime is in progress ie: a fight, a theft, a break and enter, a prowler, a suspect is damaging someone’s property
- When there has been a motor vehicle accident, with injuries
These are only some examples of when to call 9-1-1. There may be circumstances that differ from the examples given, but remember, if it is happening now and you see it taking place, then call 9-1-1.
If you need to call for Emergency Assistance…
- DO always pay attention to your location. Emergency operators will need to know where you are so they can dispatch the help you need. If you don’t know the exact address an intersection, hwy exit sign, cross street or landmark will assist the police in getting to your location faster.
- DO let the trained operator take control of the conversation and get all the necessary information. A 9-1-1 operator is trained to work through the questions in a systematic order, so the questions may seem very quick or rapid fire. But, this is the only way to gather the information as quickly as possible so a police person can be safely dispatched. Often the person taking the call has already alerted the dispatcher of the initial incident and is trying to gain further information to assist the police and you.
Answer all the questions… It can be frustrating because some of the questions seem irrelevant, however the faster you answer the faster help will arrive. ex: date of birth – this is needed to ensure the integrity of the records data base system – it ensures you are not mistaken for another person with the same name, it is a unique identifier.
Stay calm… callers are often hysterical, screaming or distracted by others around them, this hinders the operators ability to get the necessary information. Speak clearly and give the operator as much detail as possible.
- DO NOT use text messaging as a method to call 911 for emergency services assistance. Text messaging does not allow our operators to ask questions and understand the urgency of the public’s need. They will need to get full and accurate details of events and complaints. For the hearing impaired community, the best method for communicating with 9-1-1 remains the TTY format.
- DO remain where you are unless you are in danger. ie: domestic, fight etc.
- DO NOT program 9-1-1 into any telephone, this may lead to accidental calls.
If you call 9-1-1 by mistake, DO NOT hang up the phone… public safety policy dictates the operator to call back to confirm there is no emergency. This wastes valuable time. Simply apologize and tell the operator you called by accident and there is no emergency.
- DO call anyway if you are not sure if your call constitutes an 9-1-1 emergency. It is better to err on the side of safety.
Coming soon: PIN-less debit cards »

by Dave Preston | Peachland News
Nov 17 2010
Coming one day to a bank near you: Debit cards with no need to enter PIN numbers. Swipe and go debit cards are coming to Canada at a few select banks starting next summer, according to an article published today by CBC News. A full role out to other financial institutions will take place after.
A catch-up rant
It’s been a while since I’ve penned an editorial. I’ve been busy, what with the new website and all. There’s still lots of work to do, but I felt it necessary to take a few minutes and comment a bit on recent events before they become history.
Remembrance Day
I’ve been to something like eight Remembrance Day ceremonies in a row in Peachland and one thing that floors me every time is the sheer number of people attending. Wow. Other communities are complaining about declining attendance on November 11, but here in Peachland, residents are packed in the community center like sardines. It is truly awesome.
It truly sucks that the District of Peachland cannot get the sound system to work. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks.
There we are, at least 600 strong, sitting and standing respectively in front of the dwindling number of veterans before us, trying not to shake our heads because the damn sound system is working properly. It’s pathetic that we were all there on such an important day and we could only hear every fifth or tenth word spoken into the microphone.
Time and again, local politicians have made comment about the ridiculous sound system at the community centre. Time and again, local taxpayers have pitched in funds to fix, upgrade, repair, coddle and cajole the thing. Time and again, an important community function is held and we have to live with an audio embarassment.
Come on. In this day and age, when hundreds of people turn out to show respect for veterans, do we have to denigrate ourselves to having speakers using a broken microphone and a teenager operating a $39 ghetto blaster on the stage for background music?
Fix the damn thing. Just fix it. It’s a bloody embarassment, and I will bring it up again in the future. Lest we forget.
The walkway
It’s great. It’s wonderful. It will be used constantly, will attract people to town and make us more an envy of other communities. All in all, it’s a beautiful project and well worth the money. There are a few points that need saying:
- To the workers: Job well done. It looks awesome.
- To the engineers: Do you think we’re daft? Do you think Peachlanders in general are a dumb species that requires a sign to tell us how to do everything? The pathway you designed solidfies the waterfront as Peachland’s greatest attribute, but did you really have to clutter the whole bloody thing up with all the silly signs? Clearly, you’re not from Peachland.
- To council: The decision to reduce the speed on all of Beach avenue to 30 km/h will come back and bite you in the posterior.
The Primary School
Eek. What a subject. Depending on who you talk to, Peachland is either taking giant steps to perserve history, or writing itself in the history books as a laughingstock. If it wasn’t bad enough that the decision to save or not to save the building was so difficult for local politicians, the bats had to make their debut by the thousands.
All in all, I’ll take the long view on the building, sit back, watch the fieworks and see what happens. Overall, it at least looks better today than it has at any time in the past eight years. There are a few things I should mention, however:
- On one hand, we are (ever so slowly) working towards a time when teenagers in this town will have their own place. Notwithstanding that some of the Boys and Girls Club regulars might develop a penchant for hanging upside down during the day and foraging a night, they deserve their own place.
- The Primary School is just as good a place for the Visitor Information Centre as any other. We need such a centre, but it doesn’t have to be open 12 months of the year and shouldn’t be costing taxpayers $40,000 per annum to run.
- Some people are up in arms that the playground at the corner of Sixth and Beach was removed. Let’s be real. It was a piece of crap. I have no problem with the new parking lot, especially since it was incorporated with Centennial Way and made to look nice. The district has said it will put in new playground equipment in Cousins Park, and while that statement has been fodder for the naysayers (who take a we’ll believe it when we see it attitude), I have little doubt there will be things to play on in Cousins Park in the future.
- What does stick in my craw about the Centennial Way/playground/parking lot issue is the dichotomy apparent when it comes to the once dreamed about skate park. When a group of skateboarders and their supporters proposed putting a skate park in Cousins Park, there was holy hell to pay from a group of Peachlanders who demanded that the historic piece of dandelion infested grass not be touched, that it remain as is, weeds and all. The project failed, but today we have the municipality up and taking, what… a 10 to 15-foot strip of Cousins Park, all along the frontage with Beach Avenue, for Centennial Way (a chunk of land equivalent to about 60% the size of the proposed skate park). Have the history buffs been protesting on Beach Avenue over that? Not a chance. Now the town is going to place playground equipment in Cousins Park. It will be interesting if those same people who railed against the skate park complain as loudly about swing sets and slides.
Dave Preston is the publisher/editor/reporter/ad salesman/Chief Cook and Bottle Washer of
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- Community groups can submit up to one article per month for publication.
- Articles must be 450 words or less in size.
- Articles must be well written. will edit for spelling but we can’t completely rewrite submitted articles.
- Every published article must be accompanied by a photo of reasonable quality or graphic. If you need help with this requirement, send us an email. We may be able to take a stock photo for you or we may have one on file. Your group’s logo will work just fine too.
- Please follow the photo submission guidelines below.
Please allow several days for us to edit your community group submission and publish it. is not responsible for the validity or accuracy of community group submissions.
5. If you really want to get your upcoming event noticed, advertise on We have great rates for community organizations! .
Photo Submissions accepts photos for consideration for publication under the following conditions:
- You must own the copyright for the photo or have permission to send it to us for publication. (If there is any doubt, we will not publish the photo.)
- Photos must be sent as an attachment to an email.
- Photos must be high quality, of a reasonably large size and must not be altered in Photoshop or any other program.
- The body of the email must contain:
- A statement like: “I own the attached photo(s) and I hereby give permission to publish the photo(s).”
- The name of the photographer for attribution.
- Cutline information: Where the photo was taken, when, what is happening in the photo and the names of people in the photo, from left to right as they appear.
- You agree that has the right to publish the photo(s).
Local sports
Your short write ups and photos on local sports will be greatly appreciated, especially organized youth sports. Please email them as soon after the game or event as possible.
The nature of the online news industry being what it is, cannot at this time offer remuneration for columnists. We also won’t be giving everyone with a rant and a keyboard carte blanche to get columns published. We are selective. We want thought provoking, well written columns that are of interest to our readers.
If you have an idea for a column, please let us know. We’d like to have two columns sent by email so we can gauge whether what you are capable of writing is appropriate for our audience. Columns should be from 250 to 450 words. If we like what you write, we’ll be in touch with further details.